Monday, October 10, 2011

Temptations that Young Men Face

Last night I led youth for the guys and the topic we went over was temptations and what we as men face every day.

I started out with asking them what temptations that we as guys face every single day.  We created a list of several.

Here is what we came up with:
-Internet Access

After we created this list, we discussed how we could combat the temptations.

To combat what internet access, we talked about what the problem is.  The fact that it is so easy to access sites from anywhere these days, is a huge problem.  I talked about how having an accountability partner is such a blessing and that everyone should have one.  A good site to check out is .

When it comes to anger, we need to watch how we act.  We need to be responsible in our interactions with the people we interact with on a daily basis.  Anger also ties in with Profanity.

Profanity may not seem like a big deal, but when it's used on a regular basis, it definitely leads to a separation from God.  When we use profanity, it's easy to get into the habit of integrating it into our daily lives.

As for lust, it's so easy for our gaze to wander.  We need to check ourselves, very very often.  Now, to you fathers with teenage daughters, help us out, and make sure your daughters are dressing modestly.  I mean, it's ok to show some skin, but, theres some skin that doesn't need to be shown.

I'll leave you with this strengthening snippet of truth from the bible.

Psalm 19:14

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O Lord, my Rock
and my Redeemer.”


So, I've heard that the new movie Courageous is a heck of an amazing movie.  Last night I was talking to my youth pastor of taking the guys to see it.  Then figured, heck, why not just have a church outing and have all  the men from church go see it.

Have you seen Courageous?  What are your reactions?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Opening statements

Well, this is the first posting of the "Confessions of a New youth leaders".  I guess I'll talk about my self and what i hope to accomplish in this blog.

I'm 19 years old, am an EMT in a small rural county in Michigan.  I am also a Fire Fighter on a part paid basis.  I drum at my church and have started leading the high school and middle school guys.

Well, what I plan to get out of this blog.  I plan on challenging others to take a look at their faith, and what it means to be a Man of God.  I'll be bringing up topics to discuss, and looking for ideas to go over with my guys.

Well, that is all.

Psalm 19:14